Monday, March 15, 2010

Talking with native speakers

So let's just get this out here: I'm afraid of speaking with native speakers. Pretty silly for a language learner, eh?

I mean, it's so much easier to practice with other people who are learning or teach people who don't know anything about a language a couple of words. I did ok in Japan last summer, because I was forced to speak Japanese; it was a context of necessity. The people I spoke to didn't know English- or were like me, and would rather speak in Japanese than English, like I'd rather speak English than a foreign language- so I had to use the method of communication I had. 

But here in America, it's so hard, because the people I meet who are native speakers of what I want to learn can speak English already, so there's no necessity factor. And even when you say a few things in their language, they respond back in English- or at least that's how it's been the couple of times I've actually gotten up the courage to try.

I want to change this. I just don't know how. Maybe next time I talk to these friends, I can ask them to only speak in Spanish or Japanese and help me with mine. Somehow I need to make it worth it for them...I know if I really want to improve, I need to immerse myself in the language and have real conversations with people, but it's so much harder in an English environment.

Let's see what becomes of this resolution.

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